Gambrell Financial

27 Year Reputation For Excellence


Starting in Charlotte NC in 1996 & now based in Durham, NC since 2007, we’ve been providing professional Insurance & Retirement Planning for thousands of businesses, non-profit entities and individuals!





Comprehensive financial planning including cash flow analysis, investment portfolio analysis, legacy and estate advice and more.


Based on our analysis of your overall financial situation, we will develop a strategy to help you achieve a comfortable and worry-free retirement.


Tax has a significant impact on your financial plans. We will help you take advantage of available tax benefits and avoid unnecessary costs.

Insurance Broker-Advisors

As “Brokers” we don’t work for the Insurance companies, we work for you! We have aligned ourselves with the Top Companies in the industry! There is no “One Size Fits-All & we’ll never treat you that way.

Your situation is unique to you and with over 1,000 products we are sure to help you find the right plan!

Gap Insurance For Health Insurance

Our unique Health Insurance Savings Strategies has helped small business owners, families and individuals save millions of dollars in health insurance premiums using our “Gap Insurance For Health Insurance Strategies. You can even pay for your individual health insurance with tax free money!

Using An IUL To Solve The Long-Term Care Dilemma

As of 2023 49 million Americans are retired and only 7.5 million has some kind of long-term care plan in place.

With only 14% of retired Americans possessing some kind of long-term care coverage along with 10,000 people turning age 65 everyday, we could be in for a long-term care crisis.

A recent poll discovered many retirees are worried about Long Term Care Medical Cost wiping out their retirement nest egg. 

The median retirement income for married couples over 65 was about $72,800 in 2020.



It’s important to understand the financial impact a few years of long-term care can have.

According to AARP.

Nursing Home Care: The average cost of a year’s care in a private Medicare-certified long-term nursing home room is $107,000.

Home Care: The average in-home care costs $50,918 a year for 40 hours of help per week.4

Assisted Living Care: A year in a 1-bedroom assisted living care facility averages $57,000 per year.


With the median retirement income for married couples at $73,000 it could be financially devasting just to pay for the least expense type of care, which is “Home Care” at an average of $51,000 each year.  The average long-term care need as of today (2023) is around 3 to 5 years. 

For home care that’s an average of $153,000 – $255,000. For nursing home care, it could be dramatically more, $321,000 to $535,000.

Typical Long Term Care Insurance simply doesn’t fit the needs of most retirees. 

Most financial gurus advise their clients not to purchase LTC until age 60 or 65 but ask yourself this question. How many 60-65-year-olds “ARE NOT TAKING SOME KIND OF PRESCRIPTION DRUG” as a result of a preexisting condition? 

The facts are clear, many Americans aged 60 and older have a preexisting condition. As a result, it makes obtaining coverage at a reasonable price very difficult, I’m assuming that’s part of the reason why only 7.5 million retirees have LTC while 41.5 million retirees go without coverage. 

The next issue is this…. After considering several premium rate increases from age 65 to age 85 paying around $70,000 over this 20-year span, if you were to die without ever needing to use the LTC policy your beneficiaries would receive nothing. There’s no return of premiums, there’s no built-in death benefit to the beneficiaries. The money is simply gone!


Fortunately, there is a better way. With a Long-Term Care Strategy Plan, we can double or triple your long-term care coverage, while protecting your retirement nest egg. If after 20 -25 years you decide you no longer need the coverage and assuming you didn’t use any of the benefits, simply request a 100% return of all your money. If you die without needing the coverage, rest assured your beneficiaries will receive an inheritance. Make sure you contact our office today for more information!

Life Time Retirement Income Guaranteed*
Guarantee yourself a lifetime of income. Protect your principle- keep your money safe
Do you have a plan to never outlive your retirement money?
Did you know that an FIA, Fixed Index Annuity can provide you with an income you can never outlive guaranteeing you never lose any of your money! 
An FIA can provide you with the peace of mind retirement you deserve.  A fixed indexed annuity allows you to have an insurance contract that protects you against outliving your retirement nest egg. If you are in the “Retirement Redzone” age 50-75 you can’t afford another “Stock Market Loss”. 
What happens if you are 62 and the market crashes? Do you think it’s realistic to recover a 44% account value drop 3 years before retirement? What if the market crashes after you’ve been retired for 5 years. Will your health allow you at the age of 70 to go back into the workforce? 
When the market crashed in 2002 it took 13 years just to make a 1$. It took 13 years before recovering what you lost plus $1. 
It’s mathematically impossible to recover a 20% – 44% loss in account value while also withdrawing money to live on! 
With an FIA, your contract account balance doesn’t decrease during a time of market loss. You will not earn any interest during a market loss but most importantly you will never lose any money! When the market recovers the interest crediting will continue. 
For example: In a typical market account, let’s say you have 1 Million. For simple math let’s also say you have 1 Million in an FIA Fixed Index Annuity.
If the market drops 44% but you only lose 35% this means your 1 Million account value drops to $650,000.
With the Fixed Index Annuity, you have what’s called a ZERO Percent floor. This means the least amount of money you will earn during a market decline is zero percent.
Using the same scenario as above, if you have a 1 Million account value and the market drops the same 44%, guess what happens?
You’ll still have the same 1 Million account value because you can’t lose any money due to market losses. 
The price for having this retirement safety net is this…. You can’t have unlimited gains if you remove the risk of market loss. 
With a Fixed Index Annuity, you have what’s called an Annual reset or annual point to point crediting.
At the end of each term your money is locked in place so it can never go backwards due to market losses. 
You can only go up from the amount of interest credited based upon a percentage of market gains, and you never go back from a market loss. Every term, your contract account value gets locked into place, and it can’t go into reverse
The amount of interest in a fixed index annuity will be limited based upon caps and participation rates as defined in the annuity contract.
In exchange for receiving an income guaranteed for the rest of your life, the insurance company will limit the unlimited interest you could earn in the market, that way they can guarantee you’ll never lose any money!
Because a Fixed Index Annuity is an Insurance product and doesn’t directly invest in the market. The insurance company using what’s called mortality credits along with other crediting options, are able to provide you with a higher payout dollar per dollar than what you would receive with a typical market account.
In other words, you don’t have to accumulate the same amount of money in a FIA to equal the same payout as a typical market account.
Assuming the 4% Rule you would need a 1 Million account value at retirement in order to receive $40,000 of income with an 88% – 92% chance of not running out of money.
With a Fixed Index Annuity and as a result of mortality credits you would only need $600,000 to provide you with the same $40,000 of income while also eliminating the possibility of you running out of money.
With a Fixed Index Annuity, even if the account balance goes to zero, you will continue to receive the same income forever, guaranteed!
A Fixed Index Annuity isn’t for everyone, and you shouldn’t move all of your money to an FIA.
My rule of thumb is this…. The amount of money you need to pay the bills, keep food on the table, pay for transportation cost along with medical cost, the monies needed to ensure these basic needs are covered, should be guaranteed with an FIA! The monies you don’t need to cover basic needs can be left in market products.
Guarantee the core and have fun with the rest.
Obviously the scenario used in this example is not a representation of your situation. The only way to determine if any of the information would benefit you is to schedule a one-on-one face-to-face meeting with myself or a member of my team.
Life Insurance You Don't Have To Die To Use

With this kind of plan, you get to be the beneficiary of your own policy. Many Americans over the age of 30 are on some kind of prescription drug. 

Many Americans who reach the age of 70 have had some kind of critical or chronic illness or major accident.
And for many Americans these illnesses or accidents force us into early retirement, disability, financial hardship to include medical bankruptcy.
If you were to do a Google search today for the number one cause of bankruptcy you would see that it’s for medical bills which leads to home foreclosures.
With life insurance you don’t have to die to use if you were to develop a chronic illness critical illness or a chronic accident…. on a million-dollar policy you could receive $892,000 lump sum cash in your bank account within 30 to 60 days.
With life insurance you don’t have to die to use you could convert 10% of the death benefit amount into income each year for 10 years… so if you had a million-dollar policy you could receive $100,000 per year in income for 10 years guaranteed. 
If you die too soon your beneficiaries will receive your inheritance, if you get sick along the way you will receive your own inheritance no matter how long you live after you recover or if you reach the age of 85 you can receive a guaranteed income for 10 years.
This would be your total life insurance death benefit divided by 10 years or 10% of your death benefit yearly for 10 years. A million-dollar life insurance policy would turn into $100,000 of annual income for 10 years.
This is “Life Insurance You Don’t Have To Die To Use”

Over 27 Years Reputation for Excellence

We have over 221 years of combined experience helping business owners and individuals with custom financial solutions. We put our emphasis on helping our clients do what is in their best interest and our clients needs always come first.


Our first goal is to understand you and your overall financial states, as well as your goals for the present and future.


We’ll work with you to develop a plan that fits your resources and your goals, as well as an implement strategy.


We’ll manage the process for you and continuously monitor your plan to make sure you stay on course.



We Have a Team of Certified, Experienced and Trustworthy Financial Professionals

David Smith


Stephen Lewis


Laura Phillips


Samuel Wilson



If you have any question regarding our services, we encourage you to schedule an appointment or phone consultation with one of our financial experts. We are pleased to offer all types of financial services for your specific needs.


605 W Chapel Hill st Durham NC


+1 (919) 299 – 2109